Another year and another Advent are behind us. It was not pleasant to work under the constant pressure of various epidemiological measures, but we managed to survive and make one, in the given circumstances, still successful Advent. We didn’t have any problems as we prepared well. When buying a ticket, we measured the temperature of the visitors, and then disinfected their hands with an appropriate disinfectant. After entering the Museum, we organized a tour of the layout in a circular motion at stations. On that way we could control that the number of visitors was always within the allowed, and we also instructed visitors to view the layout more systematically than usual.

As we used to do in previous years, we have prepared news on our layout for this Advent as well. The biggest novelty is certainly a new mountain village with a farm. Although we already have a farm with domestic animals on one part of the layout, due to the scale of 1:87 and relatively distant position, it was mostly unnoticed by visitors, especially children. We decided, therefore, to repeat a similar topic, but much closer to the visitors. And since our obsession is dynamics on the layout, we have built a lot of moving elements into this diorama, which visitors activate by pressing a certain button. So we got also the first interactive segment of the layout. All moving elements we have installed you can see as follows:

  1. grass cutters
  2. wood cutters
  3. farm
  4. horses
  5. tractor
  6. mill
  7. fishermen
  8. falling tree
  9. hunters