We have been building one wonderful story for nine years, which has been confirmed by our numerous visitors and their rave reviews on Google and various portals and social networks. We got in to a very expensive adventure, believing that we know and can provide residents of Zagreb, Croatia, but also tourists from around the world, an interesting attraction that will fill them with positive emotions and perhaps encourage them to start with modeling. Without any help from the State, the City, the Tourist Board, sponsors, exclusively by private investment, we managed to survive from year to year. The financial structure began to improve over time with the arrival of schools, kindergartens, but also an increasing number of tourists. But then, it was as if the sky had turned against us. The fateful year of 2020 came, bringing with it the Corona, the earthquake and the flood kit. There are already posts about our adaptation of the work of the Museum in the Corona period and the consequences of the earthquake. This one today is dedicated to the flood and the consequences that could determine our destiny.

On the night of July 24-25, heavy rain caused a flood in the center of Zagreb, as well as in the basement of the Train Museum-Backo Mini Express. Although we started the recovery in the morning, about 30,000 liters of water entered the space. The most affected are the playroom for children and workshops for carpentry, electronics and mechanics. A complete stock of timber, a large quantity of hand and workshop power tools, part of accessories for metalworking machines, and part of the warehouse of elements for the model itself, such as locomotives, wagons, greenery, houses and the similar were destroyed (photos you can find here). Most of the furniture in those rooms was damaged (cabinets, desks, computers, etc.). Also, due to the humidity in the air, we expect some damage to the layout itself, despite ventilation and efforts to dry the space as soon as possible. Preliminary estimate of material damage is HRK 150,000.

As it is unbelievable that in this situation we could repair the damage ourselves, we appeal to all those who spent pleasant moments in our Museum to help us get back on our feet as soon as possible and allow visitors to see the bigest layout in southeast Europe. We are grateful, of course, for every donation you can make by paying into the account:

                                                                Muzej vlakića Backo Mini Express d.o.o.                                                                                                                                                 10 000 Zagreb                                                                                                                                                                       Podgorska 11                                                                                                                                                        IBAN: HR6023600001102414863