ADVENT 2020.

After the wonderful Advent performances of 2016, 2017 and 2018, which were recognized by the whole Europe, this more modest, marked by COVID 19, Advent 2020 follows. Will the city, given the prescribed measures of the Civil Protection Headquarters, still feel the atmosphere of the coming Christmas, we shall see. What is certain is that there will not be as many people on the streets as in previous years, there will not be a houses with mulled wine and sausages at every corener, foreign tourists, and no skating rink on King Tomislav Square.

However, since we have decided, regardless of all this year’s troubles, to open the doors of our Mini train Museum – Backo mini express, the famous skating rink on Tomislavac will still be able to be seen, albeit on a smaller scale, in the space of our Museum. This diorama has been one of the leading attractions of our Museum in recent years, and this year we have further refined it, illuminating the Art Pavilion, so now it looks really impressive.

We used the period when we were closed to visitors for activities related to the maintenance of the model, but also for development, so that we will be able to show visitors something new. The biggest move has been made on the roads, so now the cars will have a larger radius of movement, and some scenes will be launched that, due to technical impossibilities, have not been operational so far. In any case, it’s worth it to come and see the largest model of the railway in Southeast Europe.

In order for you and us to stay healthy even after your visit, we have adjusted the tour of the Museum to the instructions of the Civil Protection Headquarters and it will look like this:

  1. disinfect your hands with disinfectant before entering the cash register,
  2. after buying a ticket, wait in the yard for the dispacher to call you,
  3. You enter the museum one by one. If there are several members of the same family, they can enter together,
  4. The movement around the museum is circular and takes place by visiting individual stations (stations are marked with numbers), without the possibility of returning to previous stations. The direction of movement is indicated by arrows on the floor,
  5. The time spent at each station will depend on the number of visitors waiting to enter the museum, and the estimated time is approximately 5 minutes,
  6. When visiting the museum, please adhere to the prescribed distance of 1.5 m.

We are looking forward to your arrival!